Errors warnings and upgrade information
Let's get it sorted
Upgrade failed due to errors occurring during the process
The upgrade process failed and was unable to continue with the process. The error will give information about the failure.
Open IRIS Payroll Business / IRIS Bureau Payroll and make the required changes.
Try the upgrade again.
The upgrade process completed however some further information is need.
Select View Details to get warning information.
Select Download Warnings / Errors.
Choose Excel, CSV or PDF.
Warnings and information
Where a company upgrades but warnings are present, make the changes in Staffology Payroll.
The upgrade process completed but some items may not have transferred as expected. The information message gives details of the data shown in Staffology Payroll.
We strongly recommend that you parallel run Staffology Payroll with IRIS Payroll Business / IRIS Bureau Payroll for at least one payroll period after the upgrade. If this is not possible, check the first period’s figures thoroughly.
You can't parallel run payrolls with pay dates on or after 6th April.