Opening balance warnings and information

Find out about opening balances.

Employee has an opening balance for Termination Payments over 99999999.99 this is not supported and has been changed to 99999999.99

An employee has been transferred with a termination payment year to date of £99999999.99 This is more than the maximum amount supported in Staffology Payroll and has been changed to £99999999.99. You don't need to do anything.

Employee has a pension year to date value but is not a member of an active pension, please check Opening Balances are correct for this employee

An employee has been transferred, who is not a member of an active pension scheme, They have a year to date amount.
This could be due to the employee opting out of the pension scheme or the pension scheme is not a qualifying scheme and the deduction has been set an automatic enrollment pension.

Its recommenced you check the details for this employee.

To check the employees pension:

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Go to Employees and select the required employee.

  3. Select Pension.

    To check the employees pension:

To check the opening balances:

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Go to Employees and select the required employee.

  3. Select the required employee.

  4. Select More > Opening Balances.

    Select More > Opening Balances.

  5. Go to Other Values.

    altering Employee opening Balances  other values, with Pension section highlighted