Automatic enrolment (AE) warnings and information
Find out about Automatic enrolment (AE).
When moving the pension for an employe, there is a cease membership date. This has been transferred to Staffology Payroll. You don't need to do anything.
When moving the pension for an employe, there is an opt out date. This has been transferred to Staffology Payroll. You don't need to do anything.
When moving the pension for an employe, there is a join date. This has been transferred to Staffology Payroll. You don't need to do anything.
When moving the pension for an employe, there is an opt in date. This has been transferred to Staffology Payroll. You don't need to do anything.
When moving the pension for an employe, there is an enroll date. This has been transferred to Staffology Payroll. You don't need to do anything.
Good to know...
To check the employees Automatic Enrolment information:
Report: AE assessments