Assign Set Rights Roles

Assign Set Right Roles

Set Right Roles tips

Take care when assigning Set Rights roles and make sure to:

  • Test roles against individual employee records before assigning roles in bulk to make sure they provide the correct access levels.

  • Select the appropriate employees first when assigning a role to a group of employees using the Employee Selector.

  • At the bottom of the Employee Selector screen, choose Clear Selected after assigning a role. This clears the selection before you take further action.

When you have created Set Rights roles, you can assign them to:

  • Individual employees (for example, new starters or employees whose job has changed).

  • Groups of employees in bulk, using the Employee Selector to create groups.

Choose an option to get started:

Related topics:

Working with Set Rights

Assign Basic Set Rights

Assign Advanced Set Rights

View Set Rights examples

Add a Where Clause in an employee's Set Rights

Configure and give employees access to the Group Absence Calendar

Create a Set Rights Test User

Create Set Rights Roles