What's not upgraded from IRIS Payroll Professional

Company directors upgraded part way through the year: The director will receive the full allowance again unless a setting is changed in Staffology Payroll. This must be done before the first payroll. Find out more.

My ePay Window: To avoid creating a duplicate My ePay Window account and before you publish. The support team will have to configure your account to accept a connection from Staffology Payroll. Contact the migrations team at migrations-staffology@iris.co.uk to start the process. This should be at least 7 working days before you publish using My ePay Window.

Pension Year to dates: These will need to be added to the employee pension in the employee record. Employee record > Pension > Click edit pension > Pension YTDs > Edit Opening Balances.

Average holiday If an Employee's work has no fixed or regular hours, their holiday pay will be based on the average pay they received over the previous 52 weeks (or a average based on the available number of weeks if less than the full 52. calculation: The upgrade tool brings across the cumulative values, this is not enough to calculate the average holiday rate. In order for the system to do this you will need to add in pay history.

This guide lists the fields and functions that the IRIS Upgrade Tool is currently unable to migrate from IRIS Payroll Professional to Staffology Payroll. Use this list to help determine the areas in Staffology where you may need to input data manually.

What does the upgrade not include?

Users/Staff – including Privileges

Employer Details


Pay Components

Pay Rates

  • Pay Spines.

  • Pay Grades.

  • Foreign Currencies.

Employee Details

HMRC His Majesty's Revenue and Customs is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government responsible for the collection of taxes, the payment of some forms of state support, the administration of other regulatory regimes including the national minimum wage and the issuance of national insurance numbers. Notifications

Employee Notices

  • Tax codes.

  • Postgraduate loans.

Auto Enrolment Dashboard

  • PensionSync.

  • Custom pension feeds.

  • Standard feeds.

  • Email notices using clients email server settings.

  • Employee AEM extra details.


  • Employer Reference.

  • Username and Password.

Working Patterns

  • Multi-week working patterns.

  • Multiple single week working patterns with different effective dates.

  • Employee Working Pattern.

Other fields/functions not upgraded:

Upgrade steps

  1. Create an account for Staffology Payroll.

  2. Check everything is ready in IRIS Payroll Professional.

  3. Download and install the IRIS Payroll Upgrade Tool.

  4. Get an API Key.

  5. Follow the IRIS Payroll Upgrade Tool steps.

  6. Fix any errors, warnings and other upgrade information.

  7. Follow the after you upgrade checks.

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