What's not upgraded from IRIS Payroll Professional
Company directors upgraded part way through the year: The director will receive the full allowance again unless a setting is changed in Staffology Payroll. This must be done before the first payroll. Find out more.
My ePay Window: To avoid creating a duplicate My ePay Window account and before you publish. The support team will have to configure your account to accept a connection from Staffology Payroll. Contact the migrations team at migrations-staffology@iris.co.uk to start the process. This should be at least 7 working days before you publish using My ePay Window.
Pension Year to dates: These will need to be added to the employee pension in the employee record. Employee record > Pension > Click edit pension > Pension YTDs > Edit Opening Balances.
Average holiday If an Employee's work has no fixed or regular hours, their holiday pay will be based on the average pay they received over the previous 52 weeks (or a average based on the available number of weeks if less than the full 52. calculation: The upgrade tool brings across the cumulative values, this is not enough to calculate the average holiday rate. In order for the system to do this you will need to add in pay history.
This guide lists the fields and functions that the IRIS Upgrade Tool is currently unable to migrate from IRIS Payroll Professional to Staffology Payroll. Use this list to help determine the areas in Staffology where you may need to input data manually.
What does the upgrade not include?
Users/Staff – including Privileges
Employer Details
Address tab: Telephone and Email Address.
National Insurance A system of contributions paid by workers and employers in the UK, which funds various state benefits, such as the State Pension and Jobseeker's Allowance. tab: Previous Year settings for Employment Allowance A scheme where a business can claim a reduction in the amount of employer's National Insurance contributions (NICs) they have to pay., Apprenticeship Levy The Apprenticeship Levy is a UK tax on employers which is used to fund apprenticeship training. It is payable by all employers with an annual pay bill of more than £3 million, at a rate of 0.5% of their total pay bill. It is collected through PAYE alongside other employment taxes. and Small Employer.
Banks tab: Autopay Name and Number, BACS Stands for Bankers' Automated Clearing Services. It's an electronic system for transferring money directly between bank accounts in the UK, often used for payroll. Statement Narrative, Number, Credit Limit.
Payroll Parameters tab: Frequency (Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly), Period End (Period End types), Payroll Processing Cut Off, Pay Methods (Autopay/Giro), Bonus Runs, Split Net Pay, Multi User, Contractual Pay Components, RTI Real Time Information is the current method for reporting PAYE to HMRC, comprising FPS and EPS submissions. Applies.
Calculation Parameters tab: Round pounds, Pay Spines, Bulk status change, Absence (Working Patterns - multiple weeks), Recording Methods, Other Types, Employee import suspense table.
Payslips tab: Payslip A statement provided by an employer to an employee, detailing their wages, deductions, and net pay for a specific pay period.This is a legal requirement under the employment rights act and should be received on or before the pay date. section, Payslip Settings including Payslip filter.
Notes tab.
Expats tab: Gross To Net, Gross Up, Foreign Tax Credit settings.
Extra Details tab.
Diary tab.
Pension Duties tab – Declaration date, End of defined benefits, Total qualifying earnings To assess the employee we use the Earnings Trigger for automatic enrolment – This is based on the qualifying earnings elements. This is made up of pay elements like Salary, Hourly Pay, Overtime, Commission, Bonus, Statutory Payments etc. Once the employee has been assessed then that trigger is no longer used., Include GU figures in contractual earnings, Pay reference period definition – Pay Reference Period/Tax Period, Worker postponement period part periods allowed, Re-enrolment Dates – historic, Re-declaration date.
Pension Details tab – Start date, Review date, Minimum age to join, Minimum length of employment, Stop when EE is age, Deduct if stop age during current period, Minimum premium, Apply rate based on tax code country, Minimum contribution deduction, Add to existing/new employees, Suspended, Nominal Code.
Basic % Calculation Settings tab – Use percentage pension bands, % calculated on – Pre salary sacrifice Employee gets Tax & NI relief Employer gets Ers NI relief The deduction is made before tax and NI. There are a number of special rules with this type of deduction. earnings, Annual Nominal Pay.
Pay Components
Using the settings Suspended, BIK A benefit-in-kind (BIK) is any non-cash benefit of monetary value that you provide for your employee. These benefits can also be referred to as notional pay, fringe benefits or perks. The benefits have monetary value, so they must be treated as taxable income., basic and advanced linking, Multi Currency, Sporting Payments, CIS Construction Industry Scheme - An alternative to PAYE payroll for the construction indusry. Using the Construction Industry Scheme, contractors deduct money from a subcontractor’s payments and pass it to HMRC. The deductions count as advance payments towards the subcontractor’s tax and National Insurance. Materials, CIS VAT, CIS Net, Termination Payments.
Bank details.
Pro rata starters and leavers - per frequency, selected pay components, custom formulas and settings.
Rate Rounding.
Nominal code.
Payslip description.
Pay Rates
Pay Spines.
Pay Grades.
Foreign Currencies.
Employee Details
Address tab – Transfer date, Omit from RTI.
Payments tab – Working patterns, Autopayment reference.
Analysis Groups tab – Branches, Cost Centres, Run Groups.
NI tab – Class 1A Employers pay these directly on their employee’s expenses or benefits. Sporting Earnings and NICs, Aggregated Earnings.
PAYE PAYE or Pay as you earn is an HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) system to collect Income Tax and National Insurance from employment. tab – Tax Code Change Type, P45 A P45 is a document issued by an employer to an employee when they leave a job. It shows details about the's employment, including their start and end dates, how much they were paid, and how much tax they paid during their employment. The is made up of four parts: Part 1 is sent to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), Part 1A is kept by the employer, and Parts 2 and 3 are to the employee as a record of their earnings and tax paid. The P45 is an important document that employees need to give to their new employer when they start a new job as it provides information about their tax code and previous earnings, which helps the employer calculate their tax and National Insurance contributions. form contents incl SL and PGL settings, P46 A P46 has been replaced by the New Starter Declarations. It is still commonly called a P46. Pen form contents, P46 Expat form contents incl SL and PGL, P46/Starter Declaration SL and PGL, Tax Year to Date Totals for Week 53 Additional tax year periods which may be needed after week 52 to finish your PAYE tax year. Only applies if running a weekly, 2-weekly or 4-weekly payroll cycle. If the normal repeating pay date falls on the 5th (or 4th for a leap year) of April a week 32, 54 or 56 will be required. The tax calculation for all employees is switched to a week1/month1 basis if these additional periods are needed./54/56, Other Totals, Student and Postgraduate YTD The cumulative amount of an employee's earnings or deductions from the beginning of the current fiscal year up to the current pay period. by Plan.
Pay Components tab – Pay Grade, Override default pro rata formulas, Contractual, Accumulating Yearly Balances, Accumulating Yearly Units.
Pensions tab – Non Auto Enrolment records, AE Pension records with a Leave date, more than 1 Auto Enrolment record, Eligible postponement end date, Year to Date Balances – Pension Year Ee and Er incl Er NI Saving, Tax Year Er, %age Pensionable, Contributions – Maximum, Fixed or Percentages (not both), Percentage Contributions Based – Less x times LEL Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) This is the minimum a person must earn in order to qualify for any state benefits or statutory payments. If an employee's earnings reach or exceed this level, but do not exceed the Primary Threshold, they will not pay NICs but will be treated as having paid NICs when claiming state benefits., % calculated on, Annual nominal pensionable pay, pension band settings, Pension duties – Eligible jobholder postponement – apply, x days/weeks/months, end date, part periods. Defined Benefit applies, Opt out notice given, Active membership terminated.
Expatriate tab – Employee NI Paid by Employer YTD, Tax Exempt Percentage, Tax Gross Up Override, Offset Foreign Tax Credit, RTI Expat Indicator, EPM6 Override.
Holiday Schemes tab.
Attachment of Earnings tab – Authorising Body, Frequency Paid, Unactioned, Types NPAEO, MAEO, JAEO, FPAEO, and any orders where the Protected Net Pay and/or Deduction frequencies do not match the employee pay frequency.
Benefits in Kind tab – Car OPRA (Salary Sacrificed), Fuel OPRA (Salary Sacrificed).
Employee Extra Details tab.
Absence tab – Statutory Sick Pay Statutory sick pay refers to the pay an employer must give you if you’re too ill to work. It’s paid to you by your employer for up to 28 weeks, based on certain eligibility criteria - the cost of SSP is no longer able to be recovered - SSP is no longer reported to HMRC on your EPS submissions, ShPP ShPP or Shared Parental Pay. A person claiming SMP or SAP may end their leave early and the remainder used by another parent, this leave will be ShPP.(A), KIT Days, Back pay adjustment, Payment settings, Reduce Component.
RTI Notifications (which include changes from NVR National Insurance number Verification Request is an RTI online submission requesting HMRC provide or verify an employees National Insurance number. and FPS Full Payment Submission is an RTI online submission to be sent on or before each payday. This informs HMRC about the payments and deductions for each employee.).
Generic Notifications.
Annual Reminders.
CIS Notifications.
Employee Notices
Tax codes.
Postgraduate loans.
Auto Enrolment Dashboard
Custom pension feeds.
Standard feeds.
Email notices using clients email server settings.
Employee AEM extra details.
Employer Reference.
Username and Password.
Working Patterns
Multi-week working patterns.
Multiple single week working patterns with different effective dates.
Employee Working Pattern.
Other fields/functions not upgraded:
Employee Extra Details.
Holiday Schemes.
Cost Splits.
Analysis Groups - Cost Centres, Branches, Run Groups.
Tax and NI Payments.
Nominal Export.
Pay Gap Extract.
P11D – Expenses and Benefits.
Bureau BACS settings.
Bureau RTI Settings.
Bureau and Employer RTI Response Override Email Address.
SQL T2Data, P2Admin or Payroll file.
BMS Offices – for RTI and BACS.
BMS Task list and Billing.
AEX, IFC, PRE, Group Reporting, Quick Reports.
Create a BACS file that includes multiple employers with and without different processing dates.
Create a BACS file for a single employer where they are not using one defined in Staffology.
Pensionable based on Pay components.
Pay Method and reports for auto payment.
Employees historic records to calculate average weekly earnings for statutory absence and holiday, and pay gap.
Pay method auto payment/GIRO is being migrated as BACS.
Upgrade steps
Create an account for Staffology Payroll.
Check everything is ready in IRIS Payroll Professional.
Download and install the IRIS Payroll Upgrade Tool.
Get an API Key.
Follow the IRIS Payroll Upgrade Tool steps.
Follow the after you upgrade checks.
Get up and running and be more productive