Add a new Employee

System Set Up steps:

Step 1: Welcome Email | Step 2: Add Lookups | Step 3: Add Notification Emails | Step 4: Add Employees

Adding Data manually

If you are manually adding your data, continue with this step. If you have added a Data Import to your package, the system adds your employees' details for you.

Data Import

If you are having a Data Import, the system adds your employees' details for you so you do not need to add them manually. After the import, to add a new employee's details, complete the steps listed in the add an employee section.

Help with Data Imports

For information on Data Imports, contact your Account Manager.

Tips for adding an Employee's details into the system for the first time

  • Add your line managers into the system first, as this ensures their names display in the Line Manager drop-down and are available for you to choose from when adding standard employees' information.

    You must also select the Line Manager checkbox in My Details > Contract for managers to display in the list on the Create New Employee form.

  • Use the Screen Builder to add more fields or make fields mandatory on the Create New Employee form.

  • Add your lookups. You can then choose these options from the drop-downs in the Create New Employee form when adding an employee.

To add a new Employee:

  1. Log into Staffology HR.

  2. Select Directories.

  3. Choose Create New.

    The Create New Employee form opens.

    Fields marked with a red dot are mandatory and you must complete them.

  4. Enter the employee's information such as their title, name and gender.

  5. Add when the employee joined your company in Start Date.

    If required add a Termination Date The last day of an employee's employment and the day their contract is terminated.. This is the employee's contractual end date.

  6. Add the employee's Absence When an employee or worker is absent from work. This can be for a variety of reasons. Year Start Date.

    This ensures the system pro-ratas the employee's holiday allowance from the day they are added into the system.

    This field only displays for companies with Employee Absence Year enabled.

  1. If you have the Staffology Payroll integration but do not want to include this employee, select Exclude From Payroll Integration.

  2. Complete the remaining fields.

    For information on FTE Schemes, refer to Create an FTE Scheme .

    Volunteer option - Not-for-profit Licence

    If you do not have a not-for-profit licence, go to step 11.

  3. Select the Volunteer option on the Create New Employee form to identify a volunteer as an unpaid worker.

  4. Create a volunteer Directory and make sure to select the Exclude from Headcount checkbox so that the volunteers are not included in your company's headcount.

    If you deselect the flag, the system will add the volunteer to your primary licence.

    Contact your Account Manager for more information about Not-for-Profit licences.

  5. After adding the relevant information, select Send Invitation Email to immediately send the employee an invitation email to set up their username and password in order to gain access to the system.

    You can also send the invitation email later from Actions > Personal or to a group of employees via System Tools > Utilities > Username & Password Management. Learn more.

  6. Select Save.

    The employee's record appears.

    The Create New Employee form only prompts you to add core information. You may need to complete fields on the My Details screens, depending on your onboarding process. We recommend you complete as much information as possible on the Personal, Contract and Payroll tabs for the employee.

  1. To create your next employee, select Home > Directories and repeat the same steps.

Staffology Payroll integration

Need help with completing the Staffology Payroll integration? Refer to Get started with the Staffology Payroll integration

After setting up the integration, employees in Staffology HR also create in Staffology Payroll.

Stop an employee's data sending to Payroll after creating their Record

  1. Go to Directories.

  2. Search for the employee, select their name and choose Edit.

    You can also select the Edit icon displayed on their name:

  3. Go to Payroll.

  4. Select the Exclude from Payroll Integration checkbox and then Save:

    The Exclude from Integration checkbox

Employee Numbers

Employee numbers become uneditable after integrating your HR and payroll systems.

If you are re-instating a leaver, you must add a new Payroll Number in the employee's record. This is for HMRC reporting purposes