Journal tokens

A journal token allows you to pull data from the payroll quickly, the token is replaced by the data stored in your payroll when you create the journal. The tokens are used when setting the nominals.

To view the journal tokens:

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Select the company name and select Settings.

    The Employer drop down menu with Settings option highlighted

  3. Select Journal Tokens.

  4. System Tokens are displayed as default.

  5. Select Custom Tokens if required.

    A custom token allows different nominals to be applied to a department or cost centre.

    1. Select Add a Custom Token or Add new custom Token.

      Image showing the add a custom token button#

      Select a token name to edit.

    2. Enter the Name and Description.

      Image showing a blank create new text token screen.

    3. Select Create Custom Token.

  1. Select Text Tokens if required.

    A text token is used if a specific item of text is required as part of a journal.

    1. Select Add a Text Token or Add new Text Token.

      Select a token name to edit.

    2. Enter the Name and Description.

      Image showing a blank create new text token screen.

    3. Select Create Text Token.

Good to know...

  • A custom token allows different nominals to be applied to a department or cost centre.

  • A text token is used if a specific item of text is required as part of a journal.

  • Token names are not case sensitive.