Analysis categories: Set up

An analysis category allows you to group departments, employees or even individual pay elements together. This will group all the cost of the category allowing you to report on it.

First you create the analysis categories, then add the codes, once complete, you can then assign to an employee.

You can create as many analysis categories as you want, each can have an unlimited analysis codes.

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Go to the company name and select Settings.

    Employer menu with Settings option highlighted

  3. Select Analysis Categories.

    Setting menu with Analysis categories highlighted

  4. Select Create an Analysis Category to create or select a current analysis category to edit.

    You can select + Add an Analysis Category to create.

  5. Enter the name.

  6. Select Create Analysis Category.

    Screen shwoing Create Analysis Category form.

    Select the trash Delete (trash) icon icon to delete.

  7. Select the required analysis category name to create an analysis code.

  8. Select + New Analysis Code.

  9. Select the Color

    A colour is selected automatically, you can change to any colour as required.

  10. Enter a Code and Title. (Required)

  11. Enter the Accounting Code (if required).

  12. Select Create <NAME>. Where <NAME> is the name of the analysis category used for this analysis code.

    If you are making changes, select Update <NAME>.

    Editing code as per instructions above

Select the trash Delete (trash) icon icon to delete.

Good to know...

  • You can create unlimited analysis categories as well as unlimited analysis codes.

  • Employees and pay codes can have multiple analysis categories assigned. This allows for multiple ways of reporting.

  • If you are going to have a large number of analysis categories as well as unlimited analysis codes, its recommended you plan them out in advance.

  • Employees or pay codes can be assigned to multiple analysis codes with a % weighting.


If my organisation generates reports for multiple sites across the UK, I can set up the following:

Analysis Category Analysis Code
UK England
Northern Ireland
England North East
North West
West Midlands
East Midlands
South East
South West
North East Store 02
Store 25
Store 51
Store 02 Kitchen
Front of house
Shift Manager

I can then set the following in the employee record for a Chief who works in Store 02.

Store 02 is in the North East of England.