Pay run warnings
When opening a pay run, to help avoid potential issues with payments or RTI Real Time Information is the current method for reporting PAYE to HMRC, comprising FPS and EPS submissions. submissions, if required data is missing, a warning displays.
Examples of warnings for missing data include:
Missing bank details for employees where the payment method if set to credit (go to Employee > Pay Options > Other > Payment Method).
New starter where two lines of address are missing.
Invalid characters in the address.
Set Pay Run Warnings
You can set these Pay Run Warnings up by Employer.
How do the warnings display?
Pay run warnings may be split across multiple pages.
If there are unresolved warnings, an error displays at the top of the open pay run screen.
You can download the warnings as a PDF or CSV file. Go to Download as...
Select View Warnings to display all active warnings.
Select a warning to go to the area that requires updating.
Make the required changes and choose Update Employee.