About Roles

When you create a new Employer, you are automatically assigned the Admin role.

You can invite others to access your data, and when you do, you can choose a role for the user.

These are the currently available roles:


You can grant the Admin role to other users.

They can do everything that the account owner can apart from:

Admin users created, can create users but not delete them. Only the admin user who is the account holder can delete other users.


A Reviewer is a restricted role with the ability to:


An Editor is a slightly less restricted role than a Reviewer. As well as all of the access that a Reviewer has, an Editor can also:


Customers with the bureau module:

Missing bureau settings? Let's chat. Give your account manager a call and we can help.

Payroll Client - Approver

An Payroll Client - Approver is the main type of user, they edit employees, edit pay run entries, submit pay runs for processing and view reports.

Payroll Client - Editor

A Payroll Client - Editor cannot progress the pay run through approval states. They can edit employees, view pay run entries, view reports

Payroll Client - Reviewer

A Payroll Client - Reviewer is a restricted role with the ability to view the data but no ability to make changes. They can view employees, view pay run entries, view reports

Missing bureau settings? Let's chat. Give your account manager a call and we can help.