Known issues in Staffology Payroll

These are the current outstanding known issues, together with any workarounds available. You can also view fixed issues.

Estimated fix dates (ETA) are subject to change.

Severity Detail Information ETA*


P11D P11D is used by employers to report end-of-year expenses and benefits for employees who earned more than £8,500. Employees who receive Benefits in Kind (BiK) are entitled to an end of year report that outlines their benefits and expenses in the tax year. report not exporting as pdf, and unable to email P11D. You can print webpage. 30/05/24


The user is being logged out despite being active. No known workaround. 30/05/24

We are actively working to resolve these issues and will release fixes as soon as possible. *ETA dates are subject to change.


Item Detail Fixed
Payslips Payslips are rounding to 3 decimal places instead of 2. 30/01/24
Continuous service date If you enter a continuous service date, it is not saved. This can impact statutory calculations. 15/12/23
Employer Portal Employer Portal with Multi Schedules not allowing New Starter entry when one schedule is set to approval. 21/11/23
Journal Journal imbalance for pension refund. 06/11/23
Rollback Rollback state not editable when pension is included within the payroll run. 24/10/23


Severity Description


Large impact on employees and can impact the payroll run.


May take additional time to workaround or complete the payroll.


Should have a minimum impact on the day to day running of the software.

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