Step by step guide to running a payroll

Step 8: Record any statutory payments and leave

There are a number of ways to record leave and absances. If you have no employees with statutory payments or have taken time off , you can skip this step.

Read the full leave and absences guide.

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Select Payroll.

    Select Payroll.

  3. If you pay multiple pay frequencies, choose the frequency you are running payroll for.

  4. Select the required employee from the list.

  5. Select Edit Additions/Deductions.

    Select Edit Additions/Deductions.

  6. Select New Deduction/Addition.

    Select new addition / deduction

  7. Select the required Code.

    Example screen with SSP being created

  8. Enter any further required information.

  9. Select Create.

Error message: 

Manual statutory pay lines are not enabled for this employer.


Step 9: Payroll warnings.

Good to know...