
Generate P60s to give to your employees at the end of the tax year.

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Go to Reports.

  3. Select Statutory.

  4. Select P60 The P60 form is issued by employers each employee detailing their taxable income and deductions made by PAYE (both for income tax and National Insurance contributions) for the tax year (6 April to 5 April). The P60 has to be given to employees by 31 May. Parts 1 and 2 of the P14 were rendered redundant by RTI at the beginning of the 2013/2014 tax year..

  5. Select a Tax Year.

  6. Select a For option.

    • If A Single Employee is chosen:

      • Enter employee name in Search Employees.

      • Select employee from offered list of results.

    • If All Employees is chosen:

      • Select Exclude employees that already received P60 emails for this period (if required).

  1. Select Download P60.

  2. Select Preview P60 (if required).

  3. Select Email P60.

  4. Select Send P60 Email.
