Teacher pension scheme
Moving to Staffology Payroll and need to import employees who are already a member of a pension scheme? Need to stop them being flagged as a new member? Find out more
Good to know...
When entering sickness for an employee in the Teachers Pension Scheme, periods of sickness on less than half pay are considered non-pensionable pay. This is done automatically.
When sick pay is calculated for a member of the Teachers Pension Scheme, The tiered pension contribution are based on the "notional pay" for the period (which is the usual pay for the period) so that the correct tier is assessed during periods of reduced pay.
When entering maternity leave for a teacher, and when they have Occupational Maternity (OMP), the value of the OMP is included in the Notional Pay calculation, added on top of any Statutory Maternity Pay values when checking whether Actual or Notional pay is higher for use in the pay calculation.
If an employee is in the Teachers Pension scheme we will treat periods of sickness on less than half pay as non-pensionable pay.
We will create split service lines when an employee's working pattern changes mid month, so that the service and pension contributions for each relevant Annual Salary are recorded separately as per MCR guidelines.
We will create an MCR record for all employee roles that are classed as Teaching roles, even if they are not active members of the Teachers Pension Scheme.
We will create an MCR record for each Teachers Pension membership for an employee.
Backpay for teacher roles in the Teachers' Pension Scheme is be treated as When Earned unless specifically told not to, so that the pension can be calculated correctly in line with legislation.