Step by step guide to running a payroll

Step 3: Add employees who have opted in or joined the pension scheme

Employees who have left the pension scheme or don't meet the qualifying criteria to be automatically enrolled into the pension scheme, have the right to opt-in or join. You can't refuse. They must give the request in witting - This can be a signed letter or an email. If you have no employees who have opted in or joined the pension scheme this period, you can skip this step.

To add an employee to the pension scheme:

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Select Employees.

    Select Employees.

  3. Choose the required employee.

  4. Select Pension.

    Select Pension.

  5. Choose Join AE pension.

  6. Select State.

    • Choose Opt in if the worker is asking to go back into the pension, they are under postponement or would otherwise meet the qualifying criteria for automatic enrollment.

    • Choose Voluntary if the worker would not normally meet the meet the qualifying criteria for automatic enrollment.

      You can not stop an employee from joining the pension scheme if they choose to do so.

    Auto Enrolment State screen, with the Opt- In, and Voluntary Joiner options highlighted

  7. Enter the Date the worker requested to opt in or join.

  8. The worker will be a member of the default pension scheme. This can be changed if required.

  9. Select Update.

    Pension deductions will start this pay period.

Step 4: Mark employees as leavers.

Good to know...

  • You must keep the Opt in or join request from the employee for 6 years.