Managing absences (manager)

This topic provides guidance on reviewing absence When an employee or worker is absent from work. This can be for a variety of reasons. requests from your team.

To add a leave request for yourself, refer to Add a leave request: standard work pattern or Add a leave request: flexible / zero-hours work pattern

To view details about your absences When an employee or worker is absent from work. This can be for a variety of reasons.:

  1. Go to My Details > Absence.

  2. Review the following:

    1. Holiday entitlement

    2. Holiday taken

    3. Holiday remaining

    4. Any sickness absence

    5. Time off in lieu (TOIL), if applicable

View absences

  1. On the Absence tab, select View Group in the right-hand tile to view absences for everyone in your team or department.

    This option is only available if you have the appropriate permissions set.

    If you are a line manager / approver, any absence requests you need to approve or decline are listed in the Notifications section of your Home page.

  1. At the bottom of the Absence screen, you can find a list of your absences.

    • Select the Status dropdown to filter your absences by category.

Staffology Payroll integration

Absences created in Staffology HR send to Staffology Payroll. This ensures both systems reflect the correct date and absence length.

The absence types sent to Payroll include:

  • Holidays

  • Illness

  • Maternity

  • Paternity

  • Shared parental Leave

  • Adoption leave

  • Unauthorised

  • Compassionate

Overlapping Absence

If an overlap in absences occurs, the system only counts the first absence entered. To use the second absence, you must remove the original.

For example, if Holiday is approved for an employee for 1st of April to 3rd of April and Compassionate Leave is approved for 2nd of April to 7th of April for the same employee, only the Holiday sends to Staffology Payroll.

To resolve this, you would need to remove the first absence of Holiday and re-enter it for only the 1st of April, so they no longer overlap.