P30 report

Generate a P30 to summarise your HMRC liabilities

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Go to Reports.

  3. Select Statutory.

  4. Select P30 Month end summary report, highlights the amount to be paid to the HMRC for that tax month..

  5. Select a Tax Year.

  6. Select a Period.

  7. Select Download P30 (if required). This will produce a view of the selected period (quarter).

  • Alternately, select the P30-2022-23.csv to view a full year containing all 4 quarters.

  1. Select Preview P30 (if required).

Good to know...

The P30-2022-23.csv will display the tax year you are in. For the 2023-24 tax year, P30-2023-24.csv would be displayed.
