Add a Worker Group

You can have multiple Worker Groups for your pension schemes.

If you connect to the provider when you first create the scheme, the correct Worker Groups create automatically. But when you connect later, you must make sure the Worker Groups set up in the payroll software matches those set up in the external provider. If there is a mismatch, you may get errors when sending contributions.

To add a new Worker Group A group of employees who have the same pension contribution level and other settings.:

  1. Go to Pensions.

  2. Select the Pension you want to update.

  3. Go to Worker Groups.

  4. Enter the details for the Worker Group.

    Field Detail
    Name Enter Worker Group name.
    Contribution Level Type Choose Level Type of either User Defined, Statutory Minimum, NHS 2015 Scheme or Teachers' pensions.
    Employer Contribution Enter Fixed Amount or Percentage the employer pays.
    Apply NI Savings to Employer Pension Contribution Choose to apply any NI savings by an employer to the Employer Pension Contribution.
    Employee Contribution Enter Fixed Amount or Percentage the employee pays.
    Increase option If applicable, enter the Increase Employer Contributions by a percentage of the Employee Contributions.
    Earnings Basis Choose Customer Qualifying Earnings To assess the employee we use the Earnings Trigger for automatic enrolment – This is based on the qualifying earnings elements. This is made up of pay elements like Salary, Hourly Pay, Overtime, Commission, Bonus, Statutory Payments etc. Once the employee has been assessed then that trigger is no longer used. or a Standard Qualifying Earnings.
    Lower Earnings and Upper Earnings Limits Enter lower and upper earnings limits.
    Papdis Group Enter the group number.
    SubGroup Enter the sub group number.
  1. Select Create.

    The Worker Group now appears in the list.

You can now add this group to any particular pension when Create a pension scheme.