Produce a duplicate P60

Leavers do not get a P60 The P60 form is issued by employers each employee detailing their taxable income and deductions made by PAYE (both for income tax and National Insurance contributions) for the tax year (6 April to 5 April). The P60 has to be given to employees by 31 May. Parts 1 and 2 of the P14 were rendered redundant by RTI at the beginning of the 2013/2014 tax year.. Only employees still in employment as of 5th April receive a P60.

To produce the P60:

  1. Select the required company.

  2. Go to Reports.

  3. Statutory will be selected.

  4. Go to P60.

  5. Select the Tax Year.

    P60s should only be produced for a full tax year.

    Select the Tax Year.

  6. Choose if the P60 is for A Single Employee or All Employees.

    Choose if the P60 is for A Single Employee or All Employees.

  7. If you choose A Single Employee, type the employees name to search.

  8. Select Download P60, Preview P60 or Email P60.