Update pay options

Start by updating the defaults for new employees with the values that you want to apply to existing employees.

Updating Pay Options for individual employees

  1. Go to Employees and select the employee you want to change.

  2. Choose the tab you want to update.

    Tab Detail
    Regular Pay Displays settings for an employee's regular pay.
    Additions & Deductions Displays options for any additions or deductions from regular pay.
    Loans Displays any relevant employee loans.
    Tax & NI Displays the tax and NI codes.
    Other Displays additional settings including student & post grad loans, vehicles and tax refund details.
    Benefits Displays any relevant employee benefits.
  3. Select Update Employee once you've updated or added all the details.

Updating Pay Options for all employees

Be sure to select Update Employer if you’ve made any changes.

  1. On the Employer details page, choose the Default Pay Options tab.

  2. Select Apply to all Existing Employees.

    A summary of the Pay Options you set as the default displays.

  3. If you’re happy with the details, select Apply to all Employees.

This action is irreversible. Only the values shown on the summary are changed. All other values on the employee will stay the same.

You can make changes to Pay Options for singular employees during an open pay run. On selecting Update employee, a message displays asking if you want to update the pay run with the new values. Select Yes, update pay run, or to cancel, No, return to Employee list.