Moving to Staffology Payroll and need to import employees who are already a member of a pension scheme? Need to stop them being flagged as a new member? Find out more
Open the required company.
Go to Employees.
Select the required employee.
Select Pension.
Select Settings.
Employee is not in a pension
If the employee meets the qualifying criteria they will be automatically enrolled into a workplace pension scheme.
Join AE Pension: Employee can request to join an automatic enrolment pension scheme.
Choose the State:
If you are moving employees from another payroll provider
Automatic: Assess the employee as normal.
Opt Out: The employee has chosen to opt-out of the Auto Enrolment process within 1 calendar month of Automatic Enrolment.
Opt In: The employee has chosen to opt-in to an Auto Enrolment pension.
Voluntary Joiner: A normally excluded employee has chosen to join an Auto Enrolment pension.
Contractual Pension: The employee is to be enrolled in an AE compatible pension under condition of contract.
Ceased Membership: The employee has chosen to leave the Auto Enrolment pension scheme after 1 calendar month of Auto Enrolment.
Leaver: The employee is leaving / has left employment.
Excluded: The employee is excluded from Auto Enrolment assessment.
Enrol: Force the Enrolment in an AE Pension. State then reverts to Automatic
If the employee should not be included in the pension file as a joiner. Select Do not report joiner action to the pension provider. Find out more
Enter the Date and the Assessment Status.
Select Do not report joiner action to the pension provider if required.
Select Do not report joiner action to the pension provider if you have already reported the joiner to the pension provider. For example, if you have moved in the current year form another payroll provider.
Select a Scheme other than your default if required then choose the pension scheme.
Select Update,
Employers can not refuse entry to a qualifying pension scheme, even if an employee is not automatically enrolled.
Join Non-AE Pension: If the employee is unable to join an AE pension scheme (or in some instances they opt out of the AE pension scheme) they can join an Non-AE Pension scheme.
Employee is in a pension
Choose from the following (if required):
Opt Out
Edit Pension
Remove Pension
Add Refund
Add an employee into multiple pensions
Select Join another Pension.
Select the Pension Scheme.
Enter an End Date when the pension contributions stop.
Enter the required information.
Select Update.