Leave settings (Employee)

Looking for Leave settings (Employer)?

Jump to custom settings for Days | Accrual - Money | Accrual - Days | Accrual - Hours

  1. Open the required company.

  2. Go to Employees.

  3. Select the required employee.

  4. Select Leave.

  5. Go to Settings and choose Leave Settings.

    Employees leave calender viws with "leave settings" button highlighted

  6. Select the Type

    • Default: This employee uses the company default leave settings.

    • Custom: Settings are unique to this employee.

    Any changes to the company default leave settings will not apply if the type is set to custom.

  7. If the Type is set to Custom, you can select from:

    • Days: The holiday allowance is set as a number of days.

    • Accrual - Money: Accrue payments to be used for holiday instead of days.

    • Accrual - Days: Accrue holiday days for time worked.

  8. Select Update then Update Employee.


  • Allowance:

    • Default: This employee uses the company default leave settings.

    • Custom: Enter the number of days holiday allowance.

  • Resets on:

    • Default: This employee uses the company default leave settings.

    • Custom: Enter the date the holiday allowance resets.

  • Adjustment: Increase or decrease the allowance for the current holiday year.

    The adjustment will reset to 0 at the end of the holiday year.

  • User Defined Holiday Scheme: Select from a company average holiday scheme.

employee leave settings screen

Accrual - Money

9leave settings screen with Accrual method set to Money

Accrual - Days

  • Resets on: 
  • Adjustment: Increase or decrease the days for the current holiday year.

    The adjustment will reset to 0 at the end of the holiday year.

  • Rate: 
    • Default: This employee uses the company default leave settings.
    • Custom: Choose the accrual Percentage or a Set Amount.

      Default is 12.07%

  • Hrs / Day:

Employee leave edit screen

Accrual - Hours

Employee leave edit screen