Update an employee's Personal tab

See how to add a new employee into the system.

After adding a new employee's details into the system, we recommend completing as much information as possible in My Details > Personal.

The Personal tab in the system contains:

  • Basic personal information (for example, name, address, and date of birth)

  • Employees’ contact details

  • Emergency contact details

  • Leavers’ information

Enter the employee's title, Mr, Mrs, Miss etc.
Known As
Enter either the employee's shortened name, nickname, or full forename.
Enter the employee's full forename.
Middle Name Enter the employee's middle names if they have any.
Enter the employee's surname.
If required, enter first and middle name initials only.
Enter the employee's home address in the relevant address fields.
Choose the employee's gender. The only permitted values in this cell are male or female.
Gender Identity
Female, Gender-Fluid, Gender-Neutral, Gender-Queer, Male, Non-Binary
Preferred Pronoun
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Marital Status
If required, choose the employee's marital status.
Date of Birth (Age)
Enter the employee's date of birth.
Employee Number
If your organisation does not use employee numbers, you can use payroll numbers instead, or allocate sequential numbers.


These are visible to other employees.


Work Email
This field is not mandatory, however it is used to send different system notifications to employees, such as holiday approvals, read & accept etc.


If employees do not have a work email address, they can use a personal one.


If you want employees to use only email addresses with a particular domain, go to System Tools > Utilities > Tools > System Configuration and enter the domain in Email Format. For example, @companyname.co.uk
Work Phone
If required, enter the employee's work phone number.
Work Extn
If required, enter the employee's work phone extension number.
Work Mobile
If required, enter the employee's work mobile phone number.
Personal Email
If required, enter the employee's personal email address.
Personal Mobile
If required, enter the employee's personal mobile phone number.
Home Phone
If required, enter the employee's home phone number.
Car Registration If required, enter the employee's car registration.
Driving Licence No. If required, enter the employee's driving licence details.
Emergency Contact
If required, enter the primary emergency contact’s full name.
Emergency Telephone
If required, enter the primary emergency contact’s telephone number.
Emergency Address
If required, enter the primary emergency contact’s home address.
Relationship to you
The primary emergency contact’s relationship to the employee (for example, wife or father).


Ethnic Origin

If required, select the employee's Ethnic Origin.


If required, select the relevant option if the employee has a medical condtion/disability.
If required, select the employee's nationality.
Community Background
If required, select the employee's Community Background from the list.


The Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order of 1998 requires all registered employers to keep a record of their employees' community background. This means whether an employee is from either a Protestant or Roman Catholic community in Northern Ireland or neither.
If the employee becomes a leaver, enter their contractual end date.
Last Working Date If the employee becomes a leaver, enter their last working day.

Emergency contact and primary contact details

To add additional emergency contacts:

  1. In the relevant employee's My Details > Personal, select Actions > Key Contacts.

  2. Choose Create New.

  3. Complete the relevant fields.

  4. Select Save.

You can add as many contacts as needed.