Updating Benefits with Data Update

Screenshots are taken from a test system and may not match your system exactly.

The Data Update tool allows you to update active benefit records.

This is useful for addressing errors identified during the initial creation process or when there is a change to the current benefit. In such cases, there is no need to close the existing record and create a new one for historical purposes.

  1. Sign in to Staffology HR.

  1. Go to System Tools > Utilities > Data > Update and select benefit type you want to update.

    The Data Update pop-up displays.

  2. Select the required benefits.

    For example, all benefits with the provider AXA which did not start on the 1st of April 2023.

    The maximum records you can update is 50. Therefore, you must use the Employee Selector to refine your search if the number of employees exceeds this.

    The Data Update screen showing how many records will be updated  

    The Data Update screen with the Employee Selector active

  1. After choosing your filters, select what you want to change the data to.

    For example, you may change the Unit Rate to 10.00

  2. Once you are happy the criteira and fields you wish to change are correct, select Save to update all the benefit records the system has found.