Add Fields to the Screen Builder

Additional Field Types

You can add additional fields to the Personal, Contract and Payroll tabs.

Custom Field Name  Number of Fields  Field Type 
Custom Date 15 Date field, which provides a calendar icon, allowing employees to enter a date.
Custom Employee 5 Employee Lookup, a dropdown list of all live active employees to select from.
Custom Lookup 15 Lookup, a dropdown box, allowing you to add your own entries that employees can select from.
Custom Memo 5 A free text box, allowing employees to enter up to approx. 250 alphanumeric characters.
Custom Number 5
Number field, allows employees to only enter numeric digits into the field.
Custom Text 15
A free text box, allowing employees to enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Custom Tick 5
Yes/No tick box, when left blank indicates No, when ticked indicates Yes.
The default is blank, therefore No.  

Add a new Field

As part of Self Service, we recommend allowing employees to View, Create, Modify and Delete any field from the Personal tab and Payroll Bank.

Giving them this access ensures they can update their personal, bank account and passport data.

The Contract, Assignments (only available if you have the Position Management module enabled), and Payroll tabs are usually updated by a Set Rights Set Rights are the system permissions you allocate to employees to control the information available to a user about other employees. user or an Admin.

Panel Number

Before adding an additional field, review the tab and identify the panel where you want to place it.

The panels are identified top to bottom and left to right.

  1. Sign in to Staffology HR.

  2. Go to System Tools > Utilities > Tools > Screen Builder, and select the tab to add the additional fields from the dropdown list.

  3. Navigate to the bottom of the screen.

    A list of spare fields available to use displays.

  4. Identify the field type you want to use, change the panel number from 0 to the panel number where you want the field to sit.

    The field should now move to the panel number you have just added.

  5. Rename the field by entering a new name in Alt. Label.

  6. Use the arrows to move the field.

  7. There is no Save option, the field automatically appears in your chosen tab.

Move a Field to a new Panel

To move the field to a different panel, return to the Screen Builder and change the panel number.

Delete a Field

To remove the field, select Delete to the right of it.

This restores the field properties and is available for you to use elsewhere.

Create New Employee

When adding a new employee via Directories > Create New , you cannot add any additional fields.


When setting up Kudos, you can hide the Private and Anonymous fields on the Give Kudos pop-up window.

Recruit Personal

When setting up your recruit personal screen, which external candidates use to apply for vacancies, you cannot add any additional fields.

If you have chosen to include the diversity fields, you can hide individual fields and use the remaining ones that are available.