Working with Time Rules

The Time Rules builder allows you to view a list of your existing rules, edit them and create new ones.

Time Rules overview

Time Rules are specific to:

Time Rules only apply to:

  • Time Type 1.

  • Employees within the target Where Clause.

  • The relevant day of the week.

From and To filters

  • The From and To filters apply to the time of day.

    When not set, the rule sets to the whole day.

  • All Time Rules are in base currency – record value should be in the employee’s currency.

  • The number of hours worked to trigger the rule is based on the number of hours from Monday in that week.

    Resets each Monday.

  • Time Rules only apply when the date of the time record is within Active From and Active To, and the record is Active.

If using Linked to Pay Element

  • Per pay period, updates Pay Element with the number of hours, rate and total each time a Time submission is approved.

  • The pay element is updated if a final payroll has not been run for that pay period.

    As soon as a final has been run – a new pay element is created for a new pay period.

  • Pay Element has an icon in a list view which opens a pop-up showing the relevant time submissions that created the pay element.

If you are an admin, choose an option to get started: