Approve Expenses

Go to My Details > Expense to approve business expenses from your team members.

Processing expenses

You receive an email when employees have submitted expenses for you to review.

The email includes links allowing you to:

  1. Approve the request.

  2. Approve with a message.

  3. Decline the request.

  4. Decline with a message.

The following items are attached to the email:

  • A CSV file containing the expenses batch details for you to review.

  • A zip file containing any attached documents for each expense item (usually receipts).

You can also use the Pending Requests section on your home screen to approve or decline expenses.

Staffology Payroll integration

Expenses created in the Expense tab in an employee's record sync to payroll, providing you have created the expense payment in HR via Systems Tools > Utilities > Payroll > Staffology Payroll > Payments/Deductions first, and added a pay code from Staffology Payroll to the expense.