Add an absence using Self Certify Sickness - employee

You can only add a sickness in the system if your admin has enabled Self Certify Sickness for your account.

  1. Sign in to Staffology HR.

  2. On your homepage, select Self Certify Sick or go to My Details > Absence When an employee or worker is absent from work. This can be for a variety of reasons. and select Self Cert. Sick.

    The Self Certify Sick option on the homepage.

    The Self Certify Sickness screen displays.

  3. Add start and end dates for your sickness in the Date From and Date To fields.

    Work Patterns

    • If you typically work a regular Monday to Friday schedule with fixed hours, you are on a standard working pattern. In this case, proceed to Step 6 .

    • If you work a non-standard pattern, a Work Pattern (Days)/(Hours) calendar displays, showing the affected days. In this case, proceed to Step 4.

  4. If required, adjust the hours in the table according to your sickness duration.

    For example, you work 7.5 hours on a Monday, but you left work 3 hours early due to sickness. You would add the number 3 in the Mo [Monday] column.

  1. Choose the Absence Type and Absence Reason from the dropdowns (mandatory).

  2. Add a note about your absence in the Comments section (optional).

  3. If your work pattern includes the weekend and you were sick on these days, select the Include Saturday/ Include Sunday checkboxes.

    Ignore these checkboxes if you are on a non-standard work pattern and have amended the Work Pattern (Hours)/(Days) calendar.

  1. If you have any medical documentation to support your sickness, such as a sick note, select Attach Document.

    You can upload the document after saving the absence.

  2. Select Certify to send your sickness notification for authorisation.

  3. You will receive an email once the request has been approved/declined.